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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Teens

a teen girl sits on a couch and listens to therapist talking during the teen's cognitive-behavioral therapy for teens

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for teens is a powerful, evidence-based treatment proven to help young people manage their mental health conditions. CBT can help teens learn how to regulate emotions better and create positive changes by understanding how our thoughts affect our feelings and actions.

HillsidesCares’s cognitive-behavioral therapy program utilizes a personalized approach. This program helps teens and children develop a healthier thought process, improve their emotional regulation, and learn new coping strategies that can be utilized in their daily lives. CBT is a highly effective therapeutic approach, often used as an intervention for depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. To learn more about our mental health programs for teens, reach out to our team of experts today at 323.641.4842.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Teens and Children

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that effectively treats various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and even substance use. It has proved to be an effective treatment option in helping teenagers navigate the challenges of adolescence.

CBT focuses on changing individuals’ negative thought patterns and behaviors by identifying, challenging, and replacing them with positive ones. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for teens can be especially beneficial as they are still developing their emotional and social skills. Teens who are struggling with anxiety or depression can benefit from CBT. They can learn to be mindful of negative thought patterns and develop positive coping mechanisms.

CBT can help:

  • Identify negative thoughts and behaviors that are contributing to their distress
  • Learn how to replace these thoughts and behaviors with healthier alternatives
  • Improve awareness of their feelings, thoughts, physical sensations, and how they interact with others
  • Develop a perspective on situations
  • Provide an opportunity for the teen’s family members to understand what the teen is going through and help them work through it together

At HillsidesCares, our team of mental health professionals is here to provide support and guidance throughout the CBT process. We strive to help teens and children feel more empowered in their daily lives by assisting them in gaining better insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


Compared with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), CBT focuses on the cognitive aspects of behavior rather than the emotional ones. While both therapies are beneficial, they are tailored differently depending on the needs of each client.

CBT is more structured. It is better suited for those who need a more active and goal-oriented approach. DBT, on the other hand, is a type of therapy specifically developed to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD). It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques and mindfulness practices to help individuals regulate emotions and improve interpersonal relations. DBT is also helpful for individuals struggling with self-harm or suicidal tendencies.

While both types of therapy can effectively treat mental health concerns in clients, there are some differences between CBT and DBT. CBT is typically more structured and focuses on specific mental health conditions, while DBT is more flexible and helps individuals with a wide range of emotional struggles.

Improving Teen Mental Health with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at HillsidesCares

CBT is a goal-oriented, short-term therapy that focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors associated with specific mental health issues. Both CBT and DBT are valuable approaches to treating mental health concerns in teenagers and children, and the choice between the two will depend on an individual’s specific needs and preferences. While CBT is more goal-oriented and structured, DBT offers a holistic approach that includes mindfulness practices and emotional regulation techniques that can be helpful for individuals struggling with a range of emotional issues.

For more information about our cognitive-behavioral therapy programs for teens, contact our team of experts today at 323.641.4842.