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How to Reduce Morning Anxiety

mental health specialist explaining to teenage girl how to reduce morning anxiety

Morning anxiety can feel like an unwelcome alarm clock that no one sets, yet it faithfully goes off, day after day. For teenagers dealing with anxiety disorders, mornings aren’t just about facing a new day; they’re about battling an invisible force that can significantly disrupt their daily routines and overall quality of life. Learning how to reduce morning anxiety is essential and may require professional mental health treatment.

HillsidesCares offers mental health treatment services for youth ages 6 to 17 in Pasadena, CA, and the surrounding area. We provide a complete continuum of care, including a partial hospitalization program, an intensive outpatient program, and an aftercare program for when treatment is complete.

Call HillsidesCares at 323.641.4842 to learn more about our anxiety treatment program and how we can help your teen or adolescent thrive.

The Importance of Overcoming Anxiety in Teenagers

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions affecting adolescents in the United States, and the problem is growing throughout the country and in California. Anxiety doesn’t just affect their mental health; it can also hinder academic performance, social interactions, and personal development.

Acknowledging the need for help is a formidable step towards recovery. Professional mental health treatment offers hope for those caught in the grip of anxiety disorders. Therapists and counselors with years of training and experience can provide the support, guidance, and strategies necessary to manage and overcome these conditions.

HillsidesCares, located in Pasadena, California, stands out as a sanctuary for children and adolescents requiring such assistance. With a range of programs tailored to meet our clients’ unique needs, we employ various evidence-based therapies and holistic approaches like CBT, DBT, and equine therapy to ensure comprehensive care.

Tips on How to Reduce Morning Anxiety

Reducing morning anxiety involves a combination of professional guidance and practical, everyday strategies. Here’s a closer look at how teens and adolescents can start their day on a more positive note, tailored to specific conditions:

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Create a morning routine – Establishing a predictable morning routine can provide a sense of stability and security.
  • Mindfulness meditation – Starting the day with mindfulness can help ground thoughts and reduce worries.

Social Anxiety

  • Positive affirmations – Repeating positive affirmations can boost self-confidence before facing social situations.
  • Visualize success – Spend a few minutes visualizing a successful interaction or day.

Panic Disorders

  • Deep breathing exercises – Practicing deep breathing can help manage the physical symptoms of a panic attack.
  • Identify triggers – Keeping a journal of morning triggers can help in developing strategies to avoid or cope with them.


  • Establish a safe space – Having a designated safe space at home can provide comfort during moments of distress.
  • Sensory grounding techniques – Using sensory experiences (e.g., holding a cold glass of water) can help manage flashbacks or intrusive thoughts.

Implementing these strategies can significantly impact managing morning anxiety. However, it’s crucial to remember that these are complementary to, not substitutes for, professional treatment.

Take the First Step with HillsidesCares

If your child, teen, or adolescent is struggling with morning anxiety, know that you’re not alone. HillsidesCares offers a warm, welcoming environment where youth can find the support and care they need to navigate their mental health journey. From our specialized adolescent programs to our compassionate, evidence-based therapies, we’re here to help you reclaim your mornings—and your life.

Contact HillsidesCares today at 323.641.4842 or reach out online to learn more about our services and how we can support you or your loved one on the path to wellness. Together, we can face the day with confidence and hope.