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Phone-Friendly Treatment Programs

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Phone-friendly treatment programs allow individuals to access necessary resources while receiving behavioral health treatment. With the development of smartphones and increased connectivity, phone-friendly treatment programs have become popular options for those seeking recovery from addiction. Through these programs, patients can stay connected with family, friends, and other support systems during their treatment journey. This is especially important for individuals who may not be able to physically attend in person.

At HillsidesCares, we take a unique approach to cell phone usage within all our behavioral health programs. While it may be easier to disallow phones completely, we feel strongly that children and youth should have some access to their families and social connections while in treatment.

With consent from their parents and a check-in and check-out process with our teams, our technology policy supports effective treatment in various ways. To learn more about our phone-friendly treatment center, call 323.641.4842 to learn about our residential treatment for teens.

Benefits of Phone-Friendly Treatment Programs

Centers that allow phones can lead to the following benefits:

  • It helps support the very important buy-in from the children and youth receiving treatment.
  • Clients are able to practice healthy doses of phone and screen time with built-in breaks for movement and activity.
  • Youth get accustomed to times without their phones and someone monitoring their activity for safe online behaviors.
  • Treatment teams can help youth cope with negative interactions that may occur in online environments.
  • It eases the transition back to home or out of intensive treatment.

We know how hard it is for families to limit screen time and monitor phone behavior. We take some of that responsibility when the youth are in our care, so when they return home, they are able to continue healthy phone habits on their journey toward healing.

Call HillsideCares Today

To learn more about our phone-friendly treatment programs, please call us at 323.641.4842 or reach out online. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing individualized care for each patient, including support for maintaining healthy phone habits during treatment.